UVC Health Technology: 5 Tips for Successful UV-C Light Application

UV Light in Grocery Aisle - 5 Tips for Successful UV-C Light Application

UV-C light disinfection is a long established method of infection control. It’s been applied in healthcare and water sanitation industries for decades and it’s trusted by scientists to destroy harmful pathogens in just minutes.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the priorities for many of us: retail, education, corporate and leisure are all sectors that have been tasked with reducing the spread of infection in their spaces.

Here at Agilo, we have UV-C solutions that can be tailored to your setting and we’re on hand to ensure the successful implementation of UV-C health technology.

5 Tips for UVC Light Disinfection

1. Evaluate Your Space

First of all, it’s important to understand the dynamic of the application space. Different areas require different types of UV-C light disinfection: depending on factors such as whether you intend to treat air, surfaces or water, or if people will be present in the application space.

Try to do a spatial survey to find out whether air or surfaces need to be treated, how often the space is populated and the frequency and length of quiet periods. This will help you make decisions on the right type of UV-C lighting for the space. 

2. Identify High Contact Zones

Door handles, handrails and shared equipment are all ‘high risk’ zones.  As they’re in regular contact with hands throughout the day, they can act as a fertile breeding ground for viruses, bacteria and other contaminants.

These areas are easily treated with portable UV-C light disinfection units, which sanitise surfaces overnight or at intervals throughout the day to reduce the spread of infection.

Try to identify these areas from the outset and tailor UV-C light disinfection solutions to target these areas as a first priority. 

3. Select Effective Lighting

If the area is going to be populated throughout the day, like a classroom for example, then upper air UV-C luminaires continuously disinfect the air while normal activity resumes beneath.

If you’d like to disinfect surfaces, then direct UV-C luminaires can be used to eradicate any harmful pathogens when people aren’t present; usually overnight or at controlled periods.

There’s also options for UV-C luminaires optimised with timers and sensors for added protection and ease of use. 

4. Consider Safety Requirements

It’s important to take care when using UV-C luminaires, as they emit UV-C light in varying amounts which can be harmful if not applied correctly. We strongly advise users to consult the user manual for comprehensive instructions on correct operation, usage and maintenance.

That said, when applied properly, UV-C lamps and devices present minimal risk and support your infection control strategy. Agilo will supply all the technical information and advice that you need to stay safe. 

5. Always Seek Expert Advice

Agilo experts are always on hand to offer advice and reassurance when applying UV-C. We understand that safety is paramount and our team will give you the confidence that your UV-C application is effective and applied correctly. We offer bespoke consultation, trusted advice and solutions for all settings.

Still unsure about UV-C lighting even after our 5 Tips for Successful UV-C Light Application? Get in touch to find out how UV-C can be applied to your premises.

Contact Agilo Today

To get started, contact us today.

Read all about the benefits of UV-C Disinfection and the uses of UV-C Disinfect Lights for more in-depth information about how it can help you and your customers.

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