How UV-C Light Sterilisation Can Keep Educational Spaces Safe

UVC Light Sterilisation Educational Spaces

Schools, universities and colleges have all been intensely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s no doubt that the long-term return to education is a top priority for many and Agilo has smart infection control solutions to support this.

We’re on hand to facilitate safe educational spaces with UV-C light disinfection solutions that are proven to destroy the COVID-19 virus and other harmful pathogens in minutes. 

Classrooms, lecture theatres and canteens typically have a high-density of students and teachers in small spaces, which in turn increases the risk of the spread of infection. Our range of UV luminaires are fixed, portable, adjustable and remote controlled, so whatever the setting, we can find the solution best suited to the space.

UV-C Light Sterilisation in Education:

Classrooms and Lecture Halls:

Dense contact zones like these require properly considered infection control.  Upper air luminaires like the Philip Ceiling Mounted unit are effective in busy spaces: they provide air filtration while normal activity safely resumes in the area below.

Optimised for low ceilings and easy to install, they’re perfect for classrooms and a really smart bit of kit. Easy installation is one of the many benefits of using UV-C lights to fight infection.

Shared Social Spaces:

Canteens, break rooms, libraries and IT suites are all areas that experience very busy periods at intervals throughout the day. Motion sensored UV light battens, like the AIRZING PRO 5040 are the smart choice for these areas.

The UV lamp generates 253.7 nm UV light, which is ideal for highly effective sterilisation, disinfection, and cleaning – up to 99.9 percent of microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi) are destroyed, both in the air and also on surfaces.

As it’s motion sensored, it switches off as soon as people enter the UV working area, so you can rest assured that the luminaire is doing its job at the right time and poses no health risks to staff or students.

High Contact Points:

Door handles, handrails and shared equipment are all ‘high risk’ zones.  As they’re in regular contact with hands throughout the day, they act as a fertile breeding ground for viruses, bacteria and other contaminants.

Portable UV-C light disinfection units can be utilised to sanitise these areas overnight or at intervals throughout the day to reduce the likelihood of contamination.

Agilo supply a range of portable luminaires that can be wheeled in at quiet periods to effectively deactivate any harmful viruses or bacteria and keep your education setting secure.

Other high contact premises like offices can be protected by UV-C Light Disinfection as well as educational settings.

How Agilo Can Support Infection Control

Here at Agilo, we’re passionate about bringing people together safely and we’re on hand to help you give you the confidence that your space is safe to operate.

Our industry experts are on hand to give bespoke consultations, trusted advice and technological solutions for infection control in your setting. Get in touch to find out how UV-C can be applied to your premises.

To get started, contact us today.

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